Biblioteca Astense Giorgio Faletti (Giorgio Faletti Asti Library)

Cultural Spaces and Centers

dove è situato

Via Goltieri, 3/a,



From Tuesday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00

Saturday 9.00 - 13.00

Monday closed



Palazzo Ottolenghi e Museo del Risaorgimento , Palazzo Alfieri , Palazzo Michelerio , Paleontological Fossil Museum , Palazzo Mazzetti , Solaro Tower , Palazzo Zoya

It is located in Palazzo del Collegio

Named after the famous writer from Asti, Giorgio Faletti

Extensive bibliographic heritage available

Every year, it organizes the Passepartout festival (

Biblioteca Astenese (Asti Library)

The Asti Civic Library was officially opened to the public in 1873 inside Palazzo del Collegio, and initially named after the great Asti poet Vittorio Alfieri.
However, the spaces and funding were insufficient to complete the construction. In 1903, following the extensive renovations carried out on the occasion of the centenary of the death of the poet from Asti, the Library was then moved to Palazzo Alfieri.
Starting from 1961, it was managed as a consortium between the Municipality and the Province. When the consortium expired in 2011, the Fondazione Biblioteca Astense (Foundation) was established the following year, owned by the Municipality of Asti with the participation of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Asti (Foundation).
After the renovation activities in 2014, the Library returned to Palazzo del Collegio. The new headquarters was inaugurated in January 2015 and named after writer Giorgio Falletti, president of Fondazione Biblioteca Astense (Foundation) from 2012 to 2014, the year of his untimely death.


Since 1997 and until 2004, the Library has been organizing a cultural festival in June with the name of Chiaroscuro, and then Passepartout.
This event brings to Asti every year eminent personalities from the political, cultural, economic, and social world, who offer the visitors food for thought and points worthy of debate on ever-changing themes.
Passepartout mainly involves avid readers and students, but also attracts a wider audience interested in the proposed themes. Not only residents of the city and the province, but visitors from the region and northern Italy, who join the many streaming participants.Find out the program and dates of the meetings, visit the site Passepartout



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P. IVA 00072360050

Municipality of Asti

Piazza San Secondo 1  14100 Asti (AT)
P. IVA 00072360050

Municipality of Asti

Piazza San Secondo 1 – 14100 Asti (AT)
P. IVA 00072360050